The story of how Adventure Park got to where it is today brings to mind words like stubbornness, perseverance, courage, development and a focus on the good gut feeling.

Allan and Jeannette Nymark are the couple behind Adventure Park, located on the main road between Ringkøbing and Søndervig. A busy road, especially in the summer period, where many notice the inviting first-hand impression one gets of the park.

Sheltered from the western wind, there has been a farm here since 1850. The large trees, the old charm of the buildings and the surroundings give a special atmosphere to Adventure Park. In 2002, Jeannette, Allan and Jeannette's parents, Margit and Alex, moved into the farm. Margit and Alex moved their large flower shop out on the farm and the dream was to combine family life and work life. 

Something for all guests

The beautiful adventure golf course with flowers, stone settings, large trees and running water is Adventure Park's main attraction. Adventure golf takes place as mini golf, but on a large course with obstacles. Everyone can participate and therefore the course is very popular with families with children as well as the mature audience. But Adventure Park has so many more offers - both outside and inside. An entire day can easily be spent on games and competitions. How about soccer golf, bowls, handball golf, soccer pool or the shooting simulator? There is plenty of opportunity to enjoy your brought food and drink around the park - also inside, while the youngest children frolic in the playground. Once you have purchased a ticket to Adventure Park, it is valid for the whole day for all activities.

The beginning

But the time for family life was scarce and something had to change. In 2006, Allan began work on a large adventure golf course on the property's land. At that time, there was nothing similar in Jutland, but for Allan and Jeannette it made sense to go in that direction. It took 3 years before all the formalities were in place. In May 2009, the adventure golf course was ready to open - in fact, it was not ready until 10 p.m. the night before. Throughout the winter and spring months, every weekend, 15 - 20 family members lined up to help with preparation. And it was worth the work and tear. Already the first year, 20,000 had visited the course - and now others than Allan and Jeannette also began to believe that their gut feeling had been good enough.


It has to make sense all the time

No matter what the family throws themselves over, it is always with that in mind that it should make sense. Financially - but to an equal extent also for the family.

In 2011, the flower shop was made smaller in favor of more indoor activities. At this point, Margit and Alex withdrew from the venture. In 2015, the sale of flowers was completely shut down in favor of a small shop with interiors, signs and fun items.

Allan and Jeannette constantly focus on keeping the park in a nice and inviting standard and get great help from Allan's parents for this. Many guests say that they appreciate that everything is neat and well-kept - a day in the Adventure Park is also a delight to the eye.

More inspiration

Strandingsmuseum St. George
Beach Bowl
Local craft