Down to earth
One of the most important things for Beach Bowl and Bjarne Øgendahl is that there is room families with children. There must be room for play and the fuss it can give. Every effort is made to ensure that the atmosphere is down to earth and that the play takes place in a safe environment. Families need to be able to relax and enjoy a day at the center.
A good day in the center, includes a good meal. In the restaurant, it is possible to have a good hearty meal - everything from pizza and fish dishes, to tapas and juicy steaks are on the menu.
Bjarne Øgendahl says that he is looking forward to expanding the beer selection with specialty beers, so that there is something for everyone. He is also excited to be able to give parents the opportunity, in peace, to enjoy a cool beer and a meal of food, while the children, when they have finished eating, can whiz out into the playground. The family can take their food with them to the café area by the playground - then the parents can relax while the children play.