Did you know that there is a brewery in Nr. Nissum? Admittedly a small one , but nonetheless with a huge passion for the good craftsmanship.

Jens Grøn, the man behind Nr. Nissum Håndbryg, has learned the craft in a brewery guild and is driven by his passion about beer. 

That Jens is passionate, you will quickly discover when you hear him talk about the beers. He himself is a big supporter of Belgian beer, and therefore he often uses the same yeast types that are used in the most recognized Belgian beers. He likes to tell you all about this in detail when you visit, and it is typically also Jens himself that you will be served by in the small farm shop.

If you come by when the brewmaster is brewing, you may even be lucky enough to be invited into the brewing room. Jens does almost all of the work himself, and he can of course only be one place at a time. Beer is a living organism, and sometimes things just have to be done at certain times. That's why Jens has to be ready when the time is right - and then the customers have to come out and watch the process. So far, there has only been positive feedback about this.

The beer reflects the brewmaster's personality

Jens's enthusiasm for the craft and the unique product is hard not to notice. For example, he talks in detail about the challenges that make it exciting to brew beer by hand. In Jens's opinion, the beer should reflect the brewmaster. Therefore, the vast majority of beers from Nr. Nissum Håndbryg have sweet and fruity tones - they are sweet and not so bitter. On the other hand, a tingling and bubbling sensation in the mouth is not what Jens values most when he drinks beer - it must be sane and calm. Jens appreciates the calm and full-bodied taste experience that spreads throughout the palate when he takes a mouthful of well-brewed beer. That’s his goal when brewing his own beers.

Bitter beer may have become modern, but Jens does not allow himself to be influenced by it - he produces and sells what he can vouch for. So far, there are 17 variants in the range, and all can be found on the webshop, which has recently been established.

Getting the beer to succeed can sometimes be a difficult process. Ingredients, temperatures, the yeast process and amount of carbonation - there are many things to consider. The beer lives its very own life, and if too much carbon dioxide is added, for example, there is a risk that the beer will run off completely - and you do not want that to happen!

And then there’s the storage and treatment once the bottles are sealed; it is with beer as with small children - if you are not good at it, it will be completely impossible. Therefore, remember that your beer bottles must be stored upright, in the dark, and at an even and cool temperature - then the beer will probably behave.

The motivation is to meet strangers

Jens' whole motivation for having made the farm shop is that he is a very open person. He loves meeting new people - and he says that he constantly experiences that he gets so much more in return than he gives. In addition to the farm shop, he has therefore also arranged a B&B on the first floor of his farmhouse, made room for motorhomes at the front of the plot, and arranged the backyard with a small cabin. Here, you can walk directly from the sauna to the outdoor shower, to the cold water tub and finish off in the hot tub - all with views of the property's private lake.

The large garden with the many nooks is also open to visitors, and since Jens also has grandchildren, there is a small playground free to use. Dogs are also very welcome on a leash. Therefore, feel free to bring the packed lunch - a tasting plate with beer, fresh from the dish, can be bought there - and get a memorable experience.

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